Battery Care & Replacement

Battery Care & Replacement

All vehicles need a good battery to start and run well. The latest vehicles increasingly rely on computers to run every electrical system, and these computers need clean, consistent power to not only allow your car to start but keep running. Car batteries that are old, weak and leaking acid can cause severe damage to electrical components like wiring and computers.

Our technicians at AutoEdge can perform a health check on your battery every time you come in for any auto repairs or maintenance. Even if your battery is testing OK, we recommend replacing it around 5 years old to ensure you always get where you’re going; nobody wants to be left stranded!

How can you determine if you need a new battery?

Below are some of the symptoms of a weak automotive battery -

  • Engine cranks slower than normal
  • Clicking sound when turning the key to start
  • Headlights dim when using electrical devices
  • Visible liquid or corrosion build up around battery terminals
  • Bulging battery case on the sides
  • The date code on the battery case shows 4 years old